A-Trix Group

Induction heating
arc (open / vacuum) and electroslag melting
Induction heating devices
Forging and stamping billet heating units

High performance
Low costs
Automation simplifies implementation and operation, reduces the number of personnel
High accuracy of heating
Quick starting
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements
Bar heating units

Automatic maintaining of the preset heating at the expense of inductor current and voltage regulation
Stable operation of converter under wide range of load variation
High efficiency
Ease of use
Small dimensions of induction heaters relative to other heating technologies
Other induction devices

Company A-TRIX Group supplies different types of induction devices:
for heating of hard components, chains, metal profiles;
for coating drying;
for heating prior to gas furnaces;
heaters for tube benders as well, etc
Melting equipment
Induction furnaces with melting process

Induction smelting units are designed for melting of steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper and their alloys, and also for manufacture of special alloys.
Capacity: 0.1 to 3 t
Frequency: 250 to 2400 Hz
Power: 100 to 3200 kW
Induction melting furnaces with manual control

Induction smelting units are designed for melting of steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper and their alloys, and also for manufacture of special alloys.
Capacity: 0.1 to 3 t
Frequency: 250 to 2400 Hz
Power: 100 to 3200 kW
Induction vacuum furnaces

We develop and supply of vacuum induction furnaces for different procedures under operating temperature to 2200°C. Siphon metal spillage is available. Casting form can be manufactured as heated one on Customer’s demand with use of second inductor inclusively. Furnaces can be provided with cooling water run-around system, if required.
Open / vacuum arc furnaces

We supply jointly with its partners the direct arc DC furnaces (open and vacuum ones).
Furnaces with capacitance of 0.1 to 50 tons are used for melting of steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper, ferro-alloys, precious metals, nickel, etc.
Electroslag remelting process furnaces (ERF)

Jointly with partners company A-TRIX Group develops and supply multipurpose electroslag remelting process furnaces for production of high quality cakes, hollow billets, and also billets of variable cross section made of steel and iron and non-ferrous metal alloys meeting the requirements of up to date requirements in different industries.
Cooling systems
“Water-to-water” cooling system of cabinet type

Heat-exchangers «water–to–water» of cabinet version type SV are designed for cooling of different electric equipment under bled waste powers 10 to 150 kW.
Specifically, they are designed for cooling TFC, FCI generators, current sources for DPPT and other items with water cooling.
Induction melting furnaces with manual control

Heat-exchangers «water-to-water» in frame version of SV type are designed for cooling of different electric equipment under bled waste powers 10 to 1200 kW. Specifically, they are designed for cooling TFC, FCI generators, current sources for DPPT and other items with water cooling.
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements.
Induction vacuum furnaces

When recycled water system is not available at the Customer, “water-to-air” own cooling system is to be supplied.
System circuit can be filled with ethylene-glycol to operate under negative temperature.
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements.
TFC generators up to 10 kHz / 100-6400 kW

Power: 160 to 6400 kW
Frequency: 0.5 to 10 kHz
Output voltage: 800 to 2000 V
Microprocessor control system
High reliability and repairability
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements
FCI generators to 22 kHz /
50-500 kW

Power: 50 – 500 kW
Frequency: 0,1 – 22 kHz
Microprocessor control system
IGBT-modules from world leading manufacturers
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements
FCI 22-100 kHz / 30-200 kW

High efficiency
Instantaneous availability for operation
Microprocessor control system
Control on ModBus protocol
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements
Multichannel power supply unit

It is designed for supplying of double-crucible induction furnaces and multi-area heating installations.
Supply source has one power 12-pulse rectifier and several transistor inverters.
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements.
Monoblock power supply unit for induction furnaces

It is designed for supplying of induction furnaces with capacitance to 1 ton.
The advantage of monoblock power supply unit is its portability that permits to design working site efficiently.
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements.
Galvanic rectifier

High efficiency
Availability of smooth and accurate current and voltage adjustment
Microprocessor control system
Profinet / Profibus protocol support
Ampere-hours and power consumption accounting
Rectifier for DC electric arc furnaces (EAF)

Furnace capacitance: 0.16 to 30 t
Current: 1 to 54 kA
Current adjustment range: 10 to 100%
Current stabilization accuracy: 2 to 3 %
Microprocessor control system
Built-in cooling system
Power supply unit for ESR furnaces

Power: 300 to 3000 kW
Frequency: 2 to 10 Hz
Built-in cooling system
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements
Other industrial rectifiers

Types of cooling: natural air, forced air, oil cooling.
Depending on purpose the rectifiers can be manufactured with current characteristics of 1000 V, 50 kA.
Depending on specifications 6-, 12-, 18- or 24-pulse rectifying circuits can be used.
Heat treatment equipment
Systems for pipe thermal treatment

Capacity up to 30 t / h, a constant for all sizes
High efficiency of induction heating
High cooling speed
Low cost service facilities
Shorter downtime for maintenance
Induction hardening machine

Microprocessor control system
PLC (industrial controller) ensures process repeatability
Memory storage of various hardening modes
Designed to comply with RoHS and REACH requirements